I felt like downing a bucket of whisky

You know the classic scene in films where the character has had a really tough day, and heads to a dive bar to drown their sorrows in a bucket of whisky?

That’s how I felt yesterday after a few hours of organising dates/venues with just 14 clients, and 3 of them were in a group booking!

World class coach I may be, but never EVER ask me to be your personal assistant because it’s just not my thing, hence Kev and I are in the process of hiring someone to help us with this stuff. 

I’ve always had a problem with this kind of thing, and it means I have to put a lot of effort into running my own calendar to stay on track with everything I need to do. 

Since Christmas, our business model has changed and I have more of this stuff to do, and it just isn’t happening for me. I know something has to change, or I’ll drive myself around the bend.

Today, thankfully, I’m spending the whole day coaching.

I’m with a team between 10 and 5, then reporting to the business owners until 7:30. 

One of the owners said to me, “Are you sure you won’t feel too tired by then to speak to us?”

Most definitely not!

Sure, I’ll know I’ll have had a long day at the end of it, but coaching gives me more energy than it takes from me. 

I’ll feel tired when I go home because I’ll give it my all, but I’ll feel better than I did after the mere three hours of calendar coordination I did yesterday. 

Are you able to identify which tasks and activities drain you, and which ones light you up? 

You should aim to spend as much time as possible in your zones of expertise, and delegate or eliminate as many of the tasks you’re shit at or dislike as you can. 

Don’t feel guilty about not being good at everything! 

The whole reason teams exist is because we all have different talents and abilities, so embrace your bright spots and spend as little time as possible in the shadows. 

The author 

Vicki LaBouchardiere
