We had a work-team Whatsapp message from our colleague in the Philippines, Barbs, recently apologising that she wouldn’t be at work for the day due to a power outage.
She explained there was bad weather in her country, and sent us a short video of a super-typhoon doing its worst outside her house.
We’ve just had another message from her telling us she has power back and she’ll be back at work tomorrow.
I’m so grateful she’s safe!
Our guys in the Philippines, Barbs and Raymond, are so unbelievably resilient.
There have been several occasions where things like earthquakes and storms have disrupted their working day, and they’ve never once freaked out or complained about how hard it is for them to cope with what nature throws at them.
I asked them when they were over in the UK with us earlier this year if they'd ever want to move from the Philippines because of the scary shit that happens at times, but they both love their country despite the occasional challenges.
We’re always in awe of their resilience.
I know they’ll be highly embarrassed at me discussing how great they are in public, but I hope they’ll forgive me.
It’s important to me that they get recognition for the wonderful people they are, not because they’ve done great projects at work (although they always do great work!) but to simply send appreciation to them for who they are as people.
Is there anyone you need to show more appreciation to?
It could be someone at work or someone in your personal life.
Expressing gratitude is a great mood-booster, so it’ll be a win for both of you.
(And I’m also going to give myself a slap for feeling a bit fed up about having a rainy summer here. I forget how good we have it here at times. Thank you, good old British Summer - I wouldn’t want to live anywhere else, either!)